Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First time (UPDATED)

So mine was a little nerve racking. I was shut down a few times. No, not sex. This blog! Signing up was a bitch. But I take the good with the bad.

So in my boring little world; yesterday I got a kitten to add to my already 4 dog family. That didn't work out. My Dad, yes I still live at home (bummer) is allergic and my baby Rocko wasn't too fond of him. I figured Rocko would love the kitten, since he is small (Chi) and could play with him. Ummm bad idea. He wanted to eat it! It was insane. So I had only 16hrs with the adorable fluff ball before having to give him away. He was so cute too! White, with really cute spots on his head and back and... ugh I might cry again. Sweetest kitten ever. I never even got to name him.

Moving on to less depressing things; it is very close to my favorite holiday. CHRISTMAS! Now I don't actually celebrate the whole "religious" aspect of it, but Santa and Reindeer are way cooler. I've picked out a few things, nothing too great. I have to say that the stuff that is out there is not my taste. Buying this year is even worse. I got purses for my friends last year, so I don't know if that should just be my thing or not, I mean I have a good style eye for that thing. Not a big deal yet.

Finals; oh joy. My first year at a sort of, kind of college (community college ick). It isn't hard and that is the problem. I am kind of a nerd about learning. I love text books (strange I know), and this school is no school of mine. I wanted the whole 9 yards; stadium seating lecture rooms, scholarly professors, a nice campus in a big city. What I got was a high school doppelganger with better hours. Ugh! So I have missed a nice amount of days. All I do is email my teachers and there ya go. They know who I am and what time I have class... just like HS!!! Not what I signed up for. So finals a breeze, in 2010 I'm moving on up to a way nicer school.

Well that was it. The first blog... exciting! I swear it will get better... I hope so. Because if this is boring that means my life is boring, and that would suck.


XOXO Megan


This post is ridiculous now (2012), I kind of love it.

I don't like my negative attitude... back to my cheeriness. I much prefer it! Thank you Olympics for making my summer awesome!